Importance of Dermal Antioxidant Property of Ageratum conyzoides Linn and Related Criterion

Hari Krishna Yadav *

Department of Pharmacy, Sunrise University, Alwar (Rajasthan), India.

Nandu Rangnath Kayande

Department of Pharmacy, Sunrise University, Alwar (Rajasthan), India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Different plant items have been utilized in the treatment of wounds throughout the years. Wound recuperating phytochemical mixes battle contamination, enhanced blood coagulation, and quicken the recuperating process. Various phytochemical mixes have been recognized and incorporated from therapeutic plants that have one of a kind properties related with the system of wound mending. Curiously, a considerable lot of these injury mending plants explored showed cancer prevention agent potential as their significant one of a kind properties. A plenty of instances of restorative plants shows up in writing to have indicated both injury mending and cancer prevention agent properties. There are certain criteria to consider a plant for wound healing and antimicrobial purposes- the phytochemical constituents of the plant should exhibit significant antioxidant properties and phenolic content of the plant should be adequate, the plant should exhibit significant cytotoxic properties. Interestingly Ageratum conyzoides L., possesses all the required criteria as was evident from literature. Lesser amounts of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and stress due to oxidation dictates the terms of normal wound healing process. Repeated exposure to stress of oxidation results in impediment of healing of wounds and as the free radicals are immensely unstable, they try to pull electrons from a variety of moieties in the cell and ultimately inducing changes in structure and functions of those moieties.

Keywords: ROS, free radical, antioxidant, phytochemical, NSAID

How to Cite

Yadav, Hari Krishna, and Nandu Rangnath Kayande. 2024. “Importance of Dermal Antioxidant Property of Ageratum Conyzoides Linn and Related Criterion”. South Asian Research Journal of Natural Products 7 (3):323-30.